IllAdvised Opinions
Comments about the law and the Supreme Court from an avid non-lawyers perspective
I’m in the interesting position of being an avid reader of legal opinions, listener to legal podcasts, and general analyser of various things legal… but I am not a lawyer. I am a bit of a philosopher, a bit of a theologian, an avid reader and an old debater… but I’m not a lawyer.
So my take on the law comes rather from the outside. But listening to lawyers I think that might be rather a good thing. I don’t focus so much on what the law ‘is’, on what the law ‘should be’. I’m hoping that some of my musings and reactions will make for interesting reading, and interesting discussions.
I have no particular time frame for posting. I have a whole lot of built up angst which I will be working through, but after that, who knows? Once a week? A couple of times a week? Who knows.
Avid fans of all things legal will note a certain pun-ish-ness to the title of this post… and it is purely accidental ;) I never listen to any podcast with a very dissimilar name, nor will I ever comment on anything they say there! Really!!
So far I have the following posts: