The last two times Germany tried to defend herself she was relentlessly attacked by the entire world and ruthlessly genocided.

I don’t feel like blaming them for allowing events to go the way they have. They seem to have learned the lesson that everybody wanted them to learn.

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Your feelings are not at issue. The fact is that they have a God given responsibility and are failing.

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Certainly Germany has a larger responsibility to themselves, if not to Europe than they are willing to shoulder. But to blame them for the Ukraine debacle when the US is clearly driving the challenge against Russia seems to miss a major component. The US (neocons or whatever you want to call them) has the hubris to believe they can rule the world. What we did to Ukraine is a tragedy and Trump can only end it, not repair it. Perhaps the Monroe Doctrine could be dusted off, though we did that poorly as well.

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I think perhaps we are looking at different parts of the problem. When I say it’s Germany’s fault what I’m intending to suggest is that Germany should have such a consistent and coherent and strong presence that no one would even dream of invading another country in Europe.

That is an entirely different question from the political question of why Russia felt threatened, or what Ukraine did to offend them, or what the United States did obviously the United States should not have Presents As so as to completely negate any kind of military action by anyone.

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When was Germany given the responsibility of defending Ukraine? Ukraine isn't part of NATO, and to my knowledge, Ukraine and Germany don't have any kind of mutual defense treaty.

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I’m not sure that you entirely understood my argument. I am saying that every country has an obligation to keep the peace in their neighbourhood. Or to put it another way if anybody wishes to be aggressive in the neighbourhood they should obviously fear the retribution of their other neighbour.

If someone comes into my house and starts beating up their wife, I don’t need a mutual defence treaty with that man to go over there with my shotgun and tell the guy to get lost. It’s part of what being a neighbour is.

And the standpoint of a nation state any disturbance in the neighbourhood is bad for business. And by business I mean the business of being a country. Any disruption such as a war in the immediate neighbourhood is going to cause knock on effects in your country.

So if you’re a big nation that makes lots of money investing your military and investing enough in your politics so that anybody who wants to invade one of your neighs fears what you might do is a very good idea.

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I didn't understand your argument. Thank you for clarifying.

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