To a similar question on another sub, I responded with an analogy. I ride bicycle, 30-40 miles at a time. I see lots of things along the way, many are interesting and would be worth a closer look. But I don't stop to look at everything, only a very few things that have a special interest to me in the moment.


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Feb 21Author

Yes, in general, I tend not to engage in debate unless the subject is actually reasonably important.

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Yes, of course we should walk away if we find that we are not dealing with someone who is able to engage in a calm and rational manner. There’s probably some other reasons to walk away but they do not immediately come to mind.

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Feb 21Author

Well, my preference certainly is to engage with people in a calm and rational manner. But I must say it actually helps me win arguments if the people on the other side are irrational. So I’m not tempted to walk away even then.

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