You raise some very interesting questions. I’m just writing off the top of my head, so having said that, two things come to mind immediately: 1) we are all slaves to sin, and 2) those who are converted are also slaves to Christ. While I have been saved from sin’s penalty, and am presently being saved from sin’s power, I won’t be saved from its presence or consequences until I am in the presence of my Savior. That takes care of that bit of slavery that I know about for certain for myself.

I don’t know how to rectify the problem about the slavery of the penal system. Gladiatorial games would be even worse than what we already have, so that’s right out! I personally think that it would be better to go back to the days when inmates raised their own food. They worked in large gardens, and raised the beef, and poultry that was needed to feed themselves. I would think that would give a man a sense of worth and satisfaction in a day well spent.

As for the government, well, we get the chance to run them off every 2,4, or 6 years depending on the office. If we don’t do so that’s our own fault. The rules on whom should be allowed to vote should be changed, in my opinion. A person should be older than 18 years of age: who knows anything about anything when they’re that young! Back when a person got married at 18 it was reasonable to vote that young. These days people are still adolescents at 18. I also think that a person should be a taxpayer. Though that would never fly. Anyway, just a couple thoughts.

Like I said, I’m just writing off the top of my head. Thank you for your article.

Grace and peace, Jane

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I agree. Slavery has always existed and in large part I believe it served a worthwhile and meaningful purpose for society at large and even served beneficial purposes for slaves themselves. We have tried to eradicate slavery in the modern world and all we have done is make the bad side of slavery worse because now it is all hidden. Prisons and the way we use them today put a severe strain on society as well as produce massive recidivism rates so things continue to get worse. Im not saying slavery is an answer to all societies ills but it also isn’t the demon we make it out to be.

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