Yes Von

And we dont Stone people anymore for adultery, not so much any more....

And we Don't Execute Gays, Throw them off Buildings, Hang Them, Lash Them, imprison them,cut their heads off ( saudi), not so much any more...

And we don't execute scientists anymore, like in the middle ages. Or threaten to execute Galileo for attempting to explain how the earth revolves around the sun......

We Don't burn our Neighbors at the stake for False Witness, or Witchcraft....

We don't kill people for changing religion, not so much....

Here Von,

Instead of focusing on this issue, and bringing scripture into the conversation. Try this, instead of all women bearing the costs of rearing a child, and the state ( you)

Pass a law in every state that the men are as responsible as the women for the pregnancy.

Baby is born at full term, the man has to take full Resposibilty In Providing for the child from day one. ( DNA proven)

Formula , Diapers, Clothing , Daycare, education, because the mother is going to have to work, without a doubt.

All those men just looking to get their rocks off, a quicky, oh baby I love you so much, Wham Bam thank you mam.

See how that works out for them when they get hit with the shock and realization of a lifetime responsibility of bringing up a Child.

It might drop the Abortion Rate and Over Time a law like this might drop the rate Rate substantially.

Just saying...

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Good comments. I think I will reply with a whole post... maybe Thursday.

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It is Such a Difficult , Moral. Ethical, Medical, Personal Dilema.

If the word Gut wrenching could be applied to anything, this is it.

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Do you wish me to add that quote to the post I wam working on?

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It is your post, I promise not to ask for commission

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Yeah, fair use :)

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@Mark L

This is a very interesting comment with a lot of depth to it. I think I will respond with a full post. Perhaps by Thursday.

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Well said!

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