Ah Ha! A complication!

Assuming this new POV character is really a character, and not just an alternative viewpoint for the dance, this can go several ways:

1. She ends up with Our Hero, leaving the governor's daughter fuming (more points if the governor's daughter has to marry one of the lesser officers).

2. She ends up with one of the lesser officers (nice boys) and is deliriously happy (to the surprise of both). Then either both the governor's daughter and Our Hero are taken down a few notches, and are happy together. Or neither one of them is taken down a notch, and they're miserable together. But breed well.

I expect this lass to turn out to be the perfect young officer's wife, propelling him up the ladder while never drawing attention to herself.

Hopefully someone will ask her to dance, so she can show everyone how it's done.

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Well, I'm glad you like her.

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More information on the Article. It can't be refused. Very formal indeed.

I like this new character. She seems like the "Girl next door" type. As Jasini said, she'd support her husband and never draw attention to herself.

I'm enjoying this story. Very much.

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