This book you keep citing is nothing but a collection of short fiction compiled over the years. Not a single word of it is true. It does contain mythology and legends about our past which may be accurate parables about us learning things like “don’t eat rotten meat” and “don’t trust other humans for we are a race of killer monkeys”. But as a guide for life you’d be better off using “trust the government” or “sign up to go to war and get killed” than believe any of the bullshit in the book.

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For the overwhelming majority of this post, I have talked about the historical definition that has existed in all times and all cultures from basically the beginning of the world.

For all of that time, marriage has been seen as the sexual and covenant union between a man and a woman. That’s history, not Bible.

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It is elite social control enforced through a false idol.

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You are citing to authority. God and/or The Bible do not have the right to define who gets to marry whom. They are both false institutions designed for this purpose - telling other people how to behave. The less time humanity spends trying to live up to lies invented to control them, the better off we will be.

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Well, if you’re gonna call all of human history and authority, I suppose that’s okay. When talking about the definition of words, history of the language is usually considered kind of an authority.

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