Nicely worded. This hits on a key concept of postmodern philosophy/activism which attacks language DIRECTLY. This was explained in great detail of 1984, and we see linguistic destruction as a core strategy of those who want to unmake reality (our opponents). Thus war is peace, freedom is slavery, men are women, etc.

In every case, the enemy is concerned with not just propagandizing "goodthink" but making "wrongthink" impossible by altering (no, destroying) linguistics and thus rhetoric.

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That's certainly one facet of this issue. Further posts will delve into this more, altho not the very first one's I'm thinking. I'm probably going to be dealing with sex next.

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If I can get control of the meanings of words, I can get control of what you think. And if I can get control of what you think, I can make you a slave without ever firing a single shot. And you won't even realize you're a slave. That's where we are today. Most people THINK they are free because they don't know the meaning of free.

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Interesting take. What I would like to know is when in history did it become the "right thing to do" by marrying only one woman. My understanding of marriage has to do with the reproductive process. Which is why a gay or lesbian person can't possibly be married in the true sense. Yes, a piece of paper may suffice, but is it REALLY a marriage? I don't thing so.

I feel that if we look at ourselves as being mammals and for all intents a part of the animal kingdom to a degree, that as mammals we are polygamists. Which is why there are 12 tribes of Israel. Which is why we see it all throughout the "old testament" and yet somehow with the new testament it was done away with? Well unless you see the "Bible" the way Mormons do.

The problem I see with monogamy is that typically the woman will in many cases rule the roost. Where with polygamy the women have to compete with each other for the attention of the mate. Is that bad? Well modern society would say yes, and most "Christians" would also. And yet, in my way of understanding what is right and what is wrong, I would say that a man who could support all his wives without having to send them to work and who could support any children born from the relationship, without expecting someone else to step in and support them, should be able to have as many wives as he wants. Think about it...if Elon Musk was a polygamist, he could have as many wives and children as he wanted and who would be damaged by that kind of activity? AND the benefit for the women would be a nice house, nice cars, nice every possible creature comfort you can imagine AND they wouldn't have to supply sex to him all the time. I mean if he had 20 wives, they would all have a break from the male hormones that are present all through marriage.

That's just my personal look at marriage and yes, it is real. It is the bonding for the purpose of procreation between two human beings and today it has become a joke. With birth control and woman's lib and all...good luck with a long marriage with the same woman. And on the subject of polygamy... many men are SERIAL polygamists. Divorce this wife after he gets bored and marry another one. I have a friend who was married five times. And birth control has turned sex into a hobby for many women. Sorry for the long rant! Thanks for subscribing.

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