Hi Von, with apologies for this late answer. Lots to ponder there. Right now, I only have the time to comment on your final observation:

You propose to "remove the institution of marriage completely from the state, the church, and the individual and put it back where it historically (and Biblically) belongs… in the family jurisdiction."

and then note:

"Marco actually hints at this in his first post, the one that started all of this. He has the parents speed-dating each other. I don’t think that is the best method, myself but its a step in the right direction."

I too surely don't think it's the best method. I am not even sure it would be a step in the right direction. All I can say is that "tech-first" solutions are getting worse and worse, the last example I've seen is this: https://bronwynwilliams.substack.com/p/as-if-digital-dating-could-get-any

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No apologies necessary. Looking forward to your next post. Looking forward to what you see as 'the right direction'.

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