So, Medinia has a husband? Good for her! I hope he's a good one, though the fact that he seems to have chosen her to be a live-in wet nurse does not thrill me. He is aware that even if they are both highly fertile, it still may be a while before she "catches"? And even then, it'll be close to a year before she'll be able to help with the feeding that way? I'm not sure how old they are, but by then, they should be close to weaning age.

Has this space-faring society lost the ability to create formula? I understand that breast is best (much better than when they were trying to push that formula as being better than breast milk), but surely they could use it in an emergency, such as when the mother is dead. (And do we believe that Middy is telling the truth about her death?)

I expect that Medinia would be almost as thrilled to have a built-in family, with children, as she is with the concept of a husband.

Does her husband have a name? And does she know it? (I'm rather assuming that Middy is short for Midshipman, but I could be wrong.)

I like the holodeck bed. 🙂

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"How old they are" -- meaning the babes, not the adults.

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I dunno. I can't think of everything! :)

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They have a med for that. Actually we do, too, but theirs works faster. And formula is basically illegal outside of hospitals.

No, "Middy" is short for 'Mid-ranker'. Still not sure what to do with the appendix in a serialised book like this.

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Still, it's a rank, not a name. 🙂

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I'm not sure how formula being illegal would work. It wasn't that long ago that "formula" referred to a recipe, not something you purchased. In fact, you can still find many recipes for it on the internet. So, unless they are going to inspect every kitchen, there will be people who make it, for their own use or to give to others, and trade recipes around, since what works for one baby might not for another.

Keeping it off ship would probably be easier.

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There are only 17 laws, so it isn't that formula is 'illegal' in the sense we would think of it, but that if everyone expected to see you with your babe on your breast all the time, and didn't, someone would come and talk to you.

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I don't think I like this government.

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One man's dystopia...

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