What is dangerous is remaining on the ‘New Atheist’ side of the miscommunication and choice to allow fallacy to creep into discussion. A procured abortion has never saved the life of woman. Never has and never will. A procured abortion is a death sentence for the child of the mother whose own life is endangered by a procedure that is not healthcare.

The principle of double effect is not a decision of “choice” about an abortion. Introduction of such language into an intensely emotional and harrowing decision about healthcare is abusive. It is misogyny at its worst.

Saving the life of a mother when the conditions may involve a secondary effect which ends the life of a child is not a place where abortionists can claim some moral high ground. It highlights how little concern these cruel, abusive and murderous practitioners have for either mother or child.

They twist morality for tacking some type of moral character onto the grotesque figures these murdering thoughtless individuals have become.

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Indeed, there are lots of abortions which take place at a time when the baby actually could be delivered instead.

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When I was twenty years old, a good friend of mine got pregnant. She wasn’t ready for a child; becoming a mother would have torn her life apart.

We were young, and had been taught all our lives that abortion was okay in situations like this. It wasn’t even a question. She needed an abortion. I went with her to the doctor.

I don’t think the gravity of what had happened struck either of us right away. Our friendship was never quite the same; my friend, already suffering from depression and fractured identity, only got worse.

Years later, I heard her question her choice. “I had to do it, right?”

I think about it a lot, and wonder whether having that baby, while the most difficult thing she’d ever done, would’ve changed her life for the better.

It’s a difficult situation. I’m hesitant to call for bans for everyone. But at the very least, the mainstream liberal narrative that dismisses it as a simple ‘do-over,’ a minor thing that means nothing—this needs to change.

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The question that she didn't ask is this, 'What would life have been like for her child?' As I have frequently heard people say about suicide... there isn't just one life involved.

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I'm sure she was thinking it. I've heard her say things like, "he'd be four now"—I think she just found it too difficult to say the actual question out loud.

I'm not surprised to hear about suicide. Abortion is just as destructive for the mother as it is for the child.

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I am a Doctor. I have never seen anyone discuss their abortion, even decades later, without clear body language demonstrating sorrow and regret.

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Well written article on a subject I have thought about deeply for years now. I am approaching 60 and 40 years ago my college girl friend had an abortion. It seemed the right thing to do at the time but now it haunts me on a frequent basis. I have written several articles on fate and believe God blessed us with free will. But I cannot, nor will I ever, understand why things in this world work out the way they do. In many ways my life has worked out well, at least from a worldly understanding, as I went on to marry another woman and have three wonderful kids. But, in the moment, 40 years ago, I took fate into my own hands and tried to play the part of God. I have asked for forgiveness ever since. We simply cannot understand what God's grand plan is and deciding to end the life of the unborn is not accepting the fate God had for us.

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Very well written. As I have said many times, life begins at some point and none of us should want to be murderers. Conception makes the most sense both biologically and spiritually. Even those that don’t know God mourn miscarriages. A life has ended.

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