“You’ve never been this high, have you?” asked Seamus. The two of us were standing on a cross tree several meters above the deck, and I was holding carefully to the various lines around me.
“Not on shipboard. It is different in the mountains, of course, standing on a cliff or something. There I have solid rock or earth underneath me. Here there is only this small and slippery board.”
“It has been good to get to know you. I have never gotten to know a Dwarf before.”
“Nor I a Fisherboy.”
“Well, yes, but I have lived all my life taking people across the seas--all sorts of people. And you are practically the only Dwarf to talk to me.”
I pondered this. “It is hard for us. We live very isolated lives--not isolated as in lonely, but isolated all together with our own group. We are not as social as you all, but we are still social--with other Dwarves, with our family and friends, but not outside. We are not, I am afraid, a very hospitable people.”
He looked at me, “You talk funny. Like you were much older.”
“That is another difference. You know how old I am?”
He shook his head, “I never asked, I’m sorry.”
“I am twenty years old.”
“What? But I am bigger than you are.” He stopped, confused, “I mean…”
“Yes, it is hard. You were probably bigger than my Father by the time you were two or three. And we age much slower. You will probably be ready to mate soon?”
He nodded, “Another year or two. I could mate now, but it’s a scary thought.”
“And I am twenty years old, couldn’t mate if my life depended on it, and definitely don’t want to. My Brother, a five-year-old Dwarf, can hardly walk. You’ve seen my Mother carrying him about. A five-year-old Farmer would be walking and talking, but still scared of the dark and crying whenever he hurt himself. But for you, and Trolls, and especially Spearmen… you get bigger and more mature much faster than we do.”
“But it doesn’t mean we know more. Hey, do you want to sleep with us tonight? Some of the guys think that you haven’t come because you don’t want to, but I figure it is just because you don’t know you can, right?”
Again I marveled at the difference. It would never have occurred to me to come and sleep with them. This was in spite of the fact that several of them had, much to the chagrin of my Mother, come and crawled in with me at night. I thought about the question for a few seconds--probably longer than I should have. “Sure.”
Thank you for reading Von’s Substack. I would love it if you commented! I love hearing from readers, especially critical comments. I would love to start more letter exchanges, so if there’s a subject you’re interested in, get writing and tag me!
Being ‘restacked’ and mentioned in ‘notes’ is very important for lesser-known stacks so… feel free! I’m semi-retired and write as a ministry (and for fun) so you don’t need to feel guilty you aren’t paying for anything, but if you enjoy my writing (even if you dramatically disagree with it), then restack, please! Or mention me in one of your own posts.
If I don’t write you back it is almost certain that I didn’t see it, so please feel free to comment and link to your post. Or if you just think I would be interested in your post!
If you get lost, check out my ‘Table of Contents’ which I try to keep up to date.
Von also writes as ‘Arthur Yeomans’. Under that name he writes children’s, YA, and adult fiction from a Christian perspective. His books include:
The Bobtails meet the Preacher’s Kid
Arthur also has a substack, and a website.
Thanks again, God Bless, Soli Deo gloria,
Island People is a young adult fantasy book centring on a young prince. The book starts with his kidnapping and follows his adventures as he not only escapes from his kidnapper but gains critical allies and friends.
The entire book is scheduled on Substack, and there are several sequels. This is a book I wrote years ago, so it is in a bit of a rough form. Critiques and comments are more than welcome, they are requested.
Chapter 1: Coming of Age
Chapter 2: Sitting Up
Chapter 3: Transforming Culture
Chapter 4: A New World
Chapter 5: Leap of Faith
Chapter 6: Mother and Son
Chapter 7: The Better Part of Wisdom
Chapter 8: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Chapter 9: He who has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear
Chapter 10: Down the River
Chapter 11: Unto the Third Generation
Chapter 12: Payment for Services Rendered
Chapter 13: Down the River (again)
Chapter 14: Awakening
Chapter 15: Interlude
Chapter 16: Tristan’s Trial
Chapter 17: Joyful Storm
Chapter 18: Interlude
Chapter 19: Zu Hause
Chapter 25: Captives
Chapter 26: The Inn
Book 2: Come the day
Chapter 1: Hadassah takes a ride
Chapter 2: He who takes a wife
Chapter 3: Horseback Honeymoon
Chapter 4: Into the Kitchen
Chapter 5: A Short Ride and a Long Trip
Learning to Learn
Catching On
Riding off and Visiting
A Party of One
An Uncomfortable Chair
Three Boys
A Gathering
A Long Five Days
Learning to Learn
How is He?
A Missing Tail
Fun and Games
An Action, Noted
He’s Back
To Build
Master of the Fort
A Hard Ride
Out of the Bedroom
Working at it
Book 3: Dwarves and Dragons
Dwarves and Dragons Intro
Looking Down on Happiness
Gang of Helpers