I have such an eclectic and confusing mass of posts that I find it hard to get around, so I can’t imagine how it is for my readers. Thus, this attempt at a Table of Contents. Please comment if there are ways I can make it better.
Many of the following sections include ‘letter exchanges’. I have listed, below, only my posts. Posts by others in the exchange should be easily found by clicking on any of my posts in the exchange. If they are not, please comment and I will fix the links.
Christian Fiction Writer’s Circle
Letter Exchanges
Marriage Discussion with
Pizza Discussion with
Parenting Discussion with
Dating Discussion with
Creation Discussion with
Sodomy and other Evils in response to Addam
Jonadab, the Son of Rechab
Non-Fiction Essays (Would love for these to be letter exchanges)
Child Murder: What some call ‘abortion’.
Israel: The nation that some love to hate.
Language Learning: Which I love to do.
Gun Control: Hint, I’m opposed.
Theology: Of all types.
IllAdvised Opinions: Legal issues
Poems and Quotes
Article 17: A woman married against her will to a soldier, on his way to fight aliens.
Contract Marriage: A girl going off to another planet with her mother. Where they have men that live right in the house!
Island People: A prince, kidnapped.
The Oracle at Toko Ri: Morality plays.
Christian Fiction Writers Circle
Sex in Fiction // Podcast Version
Marriage Discussion
I write a lot on the subject of marriage, and one of the most important threads has been a letter exchange with
. Our question in that thread was ‘What Is Marriage?”. Ryan Short also contributed.What Is Marriage #1B (Von) Asked and answered “Is Marriage Real?”
What Is Marriage #2B (Von) Marriage is a sexual union. That’s not all it is (by a long chalk), but that is its core.
What is Marriage #3B (Von) “Marriage is… ordained by God for the purpose of producing a Godly seed…”
What is Marriage #4B (Von) Marriage is a covenant. Also, post more scripture!
What is Marriage #R1B (Von) A bit of a discursion deeper into covenant
What is Marriage #5B (Von) Marriage is Obedience.
What is Marriage #6b (Von) Marriage is Leadership, Marriage is Jurisdictions
What is Marriage R2B View from a Height, a reply to Ryan regarding covenant.
What is Marriage #7 (Von) Marriage is a Blessing
What is Marriage #8B // Podcast version Discussing Dichotomies
What is Marriage #9B // Podcast Version No Personal Goals
Some Theology from Andrew
Love in Division // Podcast Version
Wrestling with Faith // Podcast Version
Talents and Justice // Podcast Version
Hypocrisy and the Enemies List // Podcast Version
The Purpose of Sex // Podcast Version
Biblical Sex // Podcast Version
I Begg to Differ // Podcast Version
Easy Divorcism // Podcast Version
Random Thots on Divorce // Podcast Version
Childless Cat Ladies // Podcast Version
Only the Jews // Podcast Version
Castrating Language // Podcast Version
The Death of Monogamy
Is Monogamy dying? J. Daniel Sawyer and I discuss the issue.
The Death of Monogamy: Definitions
The Death of Monogamy: Definitions and Dating
The Death of Sex // Podcast Version
The Ideal
The Obedience of the Wife with Ross Byrd
Functional Obedience // Podcast Version
As Sarah Obeyed Abraham // Podcast Version
Trust, Honour, and Obey // Podcast Version
Obey: Appendix
Submission in Silence // Podcast Version
Not in the Discussion
The Myth of the Submissive Wife // Podcast Version
Patriarchy Discussion
and I are discussing patriarchy. I’m in favour and think it inevitable. J.S… not so much.The Inevitability of Patriarchy: Laying some foundation.
The Blessings of the Breast and the Womb: // Podcast Version The role of pregnancy, lactation, and raising children in the inevitability of patriarchy.
What is Marriage // Podcast Version: Adding the issue of marriage, and discussing meritocracy and inheritance.
Differences Make Differences: // Podcast Version Given the differences between men and women, could it be that boys are wired to do their jobs and girls are wired to do theirs?
Not in the letter exchange, but on subject:
What is a man? A response to on the subject.
The Feminist Problem with Patriarchy: // Podcast Version Some logical issues that feminists have when discussing patriarchy.
Virginity, Chastity, and Children // Podcast version: In a natalist society women go through two phases of life.
Single Income Lots of Kids: The old lifestyle that contrasts with the modern perversions.
Does the Stereotypical Woman have a Vagina? // Podcast Version Is it ‘prejudice’ to say women were designed to bear children?
Misogyny and Agency: // Podcast Version Is it misogyny to say that women are human beings with agency?
Gender Roles: Should you be judged on how well your fulfil your gender roles?
The Modern Problem with Math: // Podcast Version When it comes to kids, modern people can’t count.
INCHEL: // Podcast Version: Involuntarily Childless Women
Generational Wealth: The Foundation
Rights, Wrongs, and Affirming Gender
Depopulation Solutions: Can we solve our fertility crisis?
Problem with Patterns of Patriarchy
Fundamental Contradictions
Delphic Penumbra
The Definition of Dog: Can two men marry?
Social Roles and Headcovering // Podcast Version
Let your Women Keep Silence // Podcast Version
Godly Fathers // Podcast Version
Jonadab // Podcast Version
The Words of Jonadab // Podcast Version
The Context of Jonadab // Podcast Version
Qualities of Godly Men // Podcast Version
Pizza Discussion
The “Pizza Discussion” is a letter exchange with
. In it we discuss issues of the importance of religion, God, and morality… comparing them to the importance of Pizza and Sushi. It started when he posted a post entitled ‘Religion’ and specifically comes from this line: “Arguing over religion strikes me as the same as arguing over whether sushi or pizza is better.” has also contributed.Sushi, Pizza, and the Existence of God // Podcast Version
Pizza, Sushi, and the Definition of Morality // Podcast Version
The knowledge of Pizza, Definition of Sushi, and Existence of Food // Podcast Version
A Piece of Pi // Podcast Version
A Pound of Pizza // Podcast Version
The Source of Sushi
It’s Not Pineapple Pizza // Podcast Version
All the Pizza Toppings // Podcast Version
The Last Pizza // Podcast Version
Out of the main line:
Quote, Misquote, and Steelman: How and when to quote an opponent
One Less God // Podcast Version
The Nature of God // Podcast Version
Parenting Discussion
and I are having a fun discussion about parenting. She is an advocate of ‘Gentle Parenting’, so I called my philosophy ‘Woodshed Parenting’ for contrast.Woodshed Parenting: Laying out some of the foundations of proper parenting.
Learning in Silence: An exegesis and defence of ‘Children Should be Seen and not Heard’.
Upside Down Discipline: The woodshed creates tough, moral children.
Parthenogenic Parenting // Podcast Version: What is the role of the father in parenting?
Woodshed Discipleship : Teaching, Training, Punishment, and Pushing.
Not in the discussion, but related:
Honour v Obey // Podcast Version: Refuting the modern heresy that says older children are to ‘Honour’ their parents, and only younger ones ‘obey’.
Never Give Up! // Podcast Version
First Time Listening // Podcast Version
Faithful in Little // Podcast Version
You don’t buy the Cow // Podcast Version
Slavery and Government Discussion
Slaves and Government // Podcast Version
Dating Discussion
I’m against Dating.
not so much.And God Brought the Woman // Podcast Version: Defining dating and marriage.
Alternatives // Podcast Version Throwing out some bad alternatives to dating, that are still better than dating.
Not part of the discussion, but on point:
Two Things: You have to get married to get divorced.
It’s the Women’s Fault : // Podcast Version The dearth of marriages in our families, our churches, our community, our nation, and our world is the women’s fault. And the men, and the fathers, and brothers, and sister, and aunts and uncles, and pastors and even the pianist.
Desperation, Honesty, and Diligence: Three things that are lacking in our young people working on getting married. (Or, quite frankly, not working.)
Helping Them Series
Helping Them: Them // Podcast Version
Helping Them: Fathers // Podcast Version
Helping them: Pastors // Podcast Version
Helping Them: The Plan // Podcast Version
Helping Them: Mothers // Podcast Version
Helping Them: The Checklist // Podcast Version
Creation Discussion-ish
I have written several posts about Creation and Evolution.
and I were hoping for it to evolve into a letter exchange, but so far he has only commented.Natural Selection and Math: Evolution doesn’t add up.
Warp Drives and Snake Oil Salesmen: Assuming its true
Examining Adam: Suppose we took Adam for his checkup
I Understand: Where is the boundary of science?
Attacking Evolution #3a: Minimum Necessary Systems
Attacking Evolution #2A: The Results of Evolutionary Thought
First Things: What was the first life like?
Ground Rules: How to argue about evolution
Reproductive Advantage: Does Sodomy confer a reproductive advantage?
On Colour, Colour Vision, and Breastfeeding
Creative Discontinuity
The Logic of Miracles
What are the Odds?
No Evidence // Podcast Version
Equivocation // Podcast Version
Six Days // Podcast Version
The Abolitionist
I’m against Child Murder.
We don’t Stone People for Adultery Anymore // Podcast Version: Dealing with some non-sequitors
Non-sequiturs and Edge Cases: Dealing with some common illogical arguments from child-murderers.
Talking about the Baby: How language affects our view of child murder.
The Language of Murder: // Podcast Version Let’s use the right language to discuss murdering babies.
The Morality of Abortion // Podcast Version
No Piled up Wealth // Podcast Version
You were you, before you were born
The Missing Love
Contraception is Immoral
The Right to Win // Podcast Version
You are a Monster! // Podcast Version
Always Open // Podcast Version
Secular Reasoning
Lots of Kids // Podcast Version
Child Murder // Podcast Version
Sodomy and Other Evils
In response to Addam
Dictators and other Trivia // Podcast Version
The Evils of Sodomy // Podcast Version
The Nature of God // Podcast Version
Your God // Podcast Version
Omni-Benevolent by any other name // Podcast Version
Who You Love // Podcast Version
Jonadab, the Son of Rechab
Jonadab, the Son of Rechab // Podcast Version
The Words of Jonadab // Podcast Version
The Context of Jonadab // Podcast Version
Sinful Jondadab: The Original Response // Podcast Version
Jonadab, the Response, the Conclusion // Podcast Version
A Great Nation // Podcast Version
A Grandfather Elder // Podcast Version
Forbidding that Which is Allowed // Podcast Version
Father vs Mother // Podcast Version
In Your Jurisdiction // Podcast Version
Godly Fathers // Podcast Version
Gun Control
James Mills and I continue the gun control discussion
Philosophy and Gun Control
Don Pato’s Musings and I started to have a debate on Gun Control. I won so fast he never posted :(
The Moral Dimension of the Gun Control Argument
The Best Gun Control is a Two Handed Grip
Substack Itself
A Proposal and Ethos // Podcast Version
Yes, I wrote some about Israel and Hamas.
Hamas, Haman, and the Lesson of Esther: It’s not a good idea to be on the wrong side of a war with God.
Two Great Fallacies on Israel: ‘The right to defend itself’ and ‘limit civilian deaths’ are both stupid things to say.
Views on Israel: An ongoing compendium of posts on the Israel/Hamas conflict.
Defining Terrorism: What’s in the word?
The Hard Bigotry of Hyerbolic Expectations: Double standards and the resulting loss of logic.
Overplaying your Hand: Opposing the ADL is not anti-semitic, it is common sense
The Worse Equivocation // Podcast Version: Are the Jews the worst people on the planet? Or just not as good as they should be?
Zion // Podcast Version
To the Jew First // Podcast Version
Christian Nation
Christian Nation Response
Samuel Francis Smith
My Country
Katherine Lee Bates
America the Beautiful
US Government
Declaration of Independence
George Washington
First Inaugural Address
Farewell Address // Podcast Version
William Brewster
The Mayflower Compact
Noah Webster
Every Civil Government
John Adams
Suppose a Nation
James Madison
The Governor of the Universe
The Library of Congress
He has Shewed Thee
Thomas Jefferson
Humbly to Approach
Posting and analysing some important poems.
Rudyard Kipling
The Gods of the Copybook Headings
The Benefactors
The Female of the Species
The Benefactors
The Glory of the Garden // Podcast Version
Edgar Guest
Keep Going
One More Turn // Podcast Version
The Glory of the Garden
It Takes a Heap O’Livin // Podcast Version
Sue’s Got a Baby
Only a Dad
Is Anybody Happier?
On Quitting
Hard Luck
Courage // Podcast Version
Thomas J. Williams
Once to Every Man or Nation
JRR Tolkien
I Sit Beside the Fire and Think
Lewis Carrol
Twas Brillig // Podcast Version
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Doug Wilson
The Vineyard of En Gedi
Hillaire Belloc
Matilda, who told lies and was burned to death
The Crocodile
C.A. Fortescue
Godolphin Horne
Ernest Thayer
Casey at the Bat // Podcast Version
Ogden Nash
Custard the Dragon // Podcast Version
The Duck
P.G. Wodehouse
Good Gnu
Guy Wentworth Carrol
The Embarrassing Episode of Little Miss Muffet
A bunch of fun and significant quotes:
John Taylor Gatto #1
John Taylor Gatto #2
John Taylor Gatto #3
Education Quotes #2
Education Quotes #1
A Folly of Socialism
The Fire and the Wife
Ignorance Covered with Impudence
Is there only One Party?
The Feminine Ideal
The Long Word // Podcast Version
The Caveman and the Club // Podcast Version
The Walls of the Cave // Podcast Version
The Plain Truth // Podcast Version
The Emancipation of Domesticity // Podcast Version
The Romance of Thrift // Podcast Version
Modern Savages
On Female Sufferage
The Unmilitary Suffragette
Fairyland Laws
Against Humility
Destroy Womanhood
Supernatural Loyalty
One Thing
On Suicide
The Pedant and the Savage
On Female Education
The Gods and the Demons
The Madhouse
A Piece of Chalk
Reform or Repeal
The Fallacy of Success
The Philosophy of Sightseeing
A Giant and a Pygmy
The Importance of Idealism
The Uniparty
Female Surrender
The Common Parent
CS Lewis
Men Without Chests
High Ideals // Podcast Version
Magic and Science
Not so Serious Venus
Doug Wilson
Limited Government
A Final Locus
Endowed // Podcast Version
A Real Confusion
Charles Dickens
The Best Book
Rudyard Kipling
A Mistake
From Captains Courageous
The Luckless Heir
Actin Right
Strawberry Bottom
Tumbled Heaps
A Rope’s End
Long Days
Good Ground
PG Wodehouse
From Leave it to Psmith
Down Your Back
Who Wears the Pants?
An Insane Proposal
Advertising Psmith
Enter Psmith
Born for Suffering
Be Careful who you Marry
Eve Borrows an Umbrella
Employment Bureau
JRR Tolkien
Good Morning
Language Learning
Sticky Ball
Legalism: A less than useful word
Is God a Metaphor
Forcing yourself to believe
No Admittance Fallacy // Podcast Version
Gnostic and Insipid // Podcast Version: Marriage sermons that shy away from sex.
Never Give up, Never Surrender! // Podcast Version
IllAdvised Opinions
Or, ‘The Supreme Court for Dummies’.
IllAdvised Opinions
The Antithetical Worlds of Justices Jackson and Thomas
The Racism of Justice Jackson
See, It's Just a Game: Justice isn’t important to the Justice System
Banana Republic: The misuse of the law by the rich and powerful
Morality v Law
A Disastrous Misadventure
Flank Steak Identity Theft
One man, one vote, doesn't work
Jury Nullification More Definition
Government Overreach Disguised as Panic
Delphic Penumbra
Government Rigging
The Railing on the House
Excessive Fines
Navigable Waters
Jury Nullification: the foundation
This Wolf comes as a Wolf
Mens Rea
What is Justice
Too Many Laws: The Poor
Trial by Jury
The Poisoned Tree
Ignorance of the Law
The Nature of Law
No Plea
Straw Examples
It's not a Game!
Women’s Rights… and Wrongs
Stare(ing) Desis(ly)
The Unlamented Death of Chevron
No Standing for Free Speech
The Unlamented Death of Chevron
Kiss Me Kate
Will I finish a story rewriting The Taming of the Shrew into a modern setting?
Kiss me Kate
Article 17
Article 17 is a military science fiction story with aliens and romance. It is set in a future reminiscent of Napoleon era Britain. The war was going very poorly until the military installed a dictator. This story follows one of the dictator’s great men: Cladin Tomirosh, Leader, and thrice decorated hero.
Intro // Podcast Version
She was pretty, popular, snobby, and a planetary governor’s daughter. He was the son of shopkeepers, a social misfit, and a decorated hero. She thought she was there to dance. He had other ideas.
A Dance // Podcast Version
As a governor’s daughter, Illoia usually avoided such events, but when the captain made the announcement that there was to be an Article 17 dance, she, too, was forced to attend. If only the scum hadn’t been there too.
The Unbridgeable Chasm // Podcast Version
Eukles and Meriones, brave military leaders, quail at the idea of crossing the gulf between themselves and asking a lass to dance.
There He Is // Podcast Version
The young hero comes in, and Aleshia and Illoyia gossip about him.
Look at the Young Hero // Podcast Version
The young hero comes in, and greets Eukles and Meriones… and announces his intentions.
Target // Podcast Version
Tom, Leader Cladin Tomirosh, sets his sights on the governors daughter. She isn’t impressed.
Fuming // Podcast Version
Tom and Illoia dance, while she desperately tries to get him to go away!
Now’s Our Chance! // Podcast Version
Eukles and Meriones use Tom and Illoia as a distraction and stalk their own girls.
To Slap or Not to Slap // Podcast Version
Meriones introduces himself to his new wife with a slap on the backside.
No Sane Man // Podcast Version
Illoia insults the young hero, and he proposes.
Never You, Darling // Podcast Version
Illoia finds herself unable to turn down his proposal.
A Wild Dance // Podcast Version
Illoia finds being Tom’s Consented Wife hard… with wild New Irish dances and immodest ones.
Registered // Podcast Version
A new marriage is registered. All hail the dictator!
Middy’s Got a Lass! // Podcast Version
Medinia is deliriously happy… she got 17d!
A Duel to the Death // Podcast Version
Illoia wakes up next to her new husband.
A Dowry // Podcast Version
As it turns out, Illoia brings some money into the marraige.
Fitting // Podcast Version
Even soldiers wives have to wear the uniform.
Message // Podcast Version
So, about telling her father. It’s not going to be easy.
Training // Podcast Version
Even soldiers wives have to learn how to shoot aliens.
The Captain // Podcast Version
So, about telling the governor about the marriage you allowed on your ship, Sir…
Presentation // Podcast Version
The absolute last chance to get an Article 17 wife, with everyone all lined up and shaking hands and no real time to talk…
Ma, Pa, Squeakers // Podcast Version
Imagine sending a tick tock message to your family telling them you are married.
Yee Haw // Podcast Version
Illoia is shocked to find that Tom considers his social responsibilities at a weird eating joint.
New Ship // Podcast Version
Telling the Governor // Podcast Version
Aleshia rides down on a shuttle, takes an aircar to the governors mansion, and gets to face his temper.
Hardship // Podcast Version
Marja is finding marriage very hard. Not her husband, just… life.
Waiting for Her // Podcast Version
Recruiting // Podcast Version
Lecture // Podcast Version
Order of Battle // Podcast Version
Third Award // Podcast Version
The Purge // Podcast Version
The Silent Code // Podcast Version
Discipline // Podcast Version
Free Will // Podcast Version
Afterward // Podcast Version
Sabbath // Podcast Version
First Sermon // Podcast Version
Her Little Aide // Podcast Version
Island People
Island People is a young adult fantasy book centring on a young prince. The book starts with his kidnapping and follows his adventures as he not only escapes from his kidnapper but gains critical allies and friends.
The entire book is scheduled on Substack, and there are several sequels. This is a book I wrote years ago, so it is in a bit of a rough form. Critiques and comments are more than welcome, they are requested.
Chapter 1: Coming of Age
Chapter 2: Sitting Up
Chapter 3: Transforming Culture
Chapter 4: A New World
Chapter 5: Leap of Faith
Chapter 6: Mother and Son
Chapter 7: The Better Part of Wisdom
Chapter 8: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Chapter 9: He who has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear
Chapter 10: Down the River
Chapter 11: Unto the Third Generation
Chapter 12: Payment for Services Rendered
Chapter 13: Down the River (again)
Chapter 14: Awakening
Chapter 15: Interlude
Chapter 16: Tristan’s Trial
Chapter 17: Joyful Storm
Chapter 18: Interlude
Chapter 19: Zu Hause
Chapter 25: Captives
Chapter 26: The Inn
Book 2: Come the day
Chapter 1: Hadassah takes a ride
Chapter 2: He who takes a wife
Chapter 3: Horseback Honeymoon
Chapter 4: Into the Kitchen
Chapter 5: A Short Ride and a Long Trip
Learning to Learn
Catching On
Riding off and Visiting
A Party of One
An Uncomfortable Chair
Three Boys
A Gathering
A Long Five Days
Learning to Learn
How is He?
A Missing Tail
Fun and Games
An Action, Noted
He’s Back
To Build
Master of the Fort
A Hard Ride
Out of the Bedroom
Working at it
Book 3: Dwarves and Dragons
Dwarves and Dragons Intro
Looking Down on Happiness
Gang of Helpers
Contract Marriage
Contract marriage is an adult dystopia examining the issues of marriage. Like 1984 and Brave New World, Contract Marriage treats the relations between the sexes as a fundamental aspect of how a society is formed and, thus, how a society can go wrong.
Unlike those dystopias, Contract Marriage isn’t all horrible all of the time. The characters for the most part have a good time and get along in their society. But the issues of sexuality, of marriage or not, monogamy or not, faithfulness or not, and gender roles… keep coming up and causing tension and conflict and joy and pain.
My desire is that my readers would be thinking along with my characters about these issues and perhaps even arrive at the same place (minus the flying cars).
Introduction // Podcast Version
In which I lay out the themes that I intend to explore in this light Dystopia, and ask others to participate.
Contract Marriage Glossary
I use lots of strange words in this book, and some strange culture, so I decided to make a glossary.
Trade Master: First Chapter // Podcast Version
In which Fenestra, our heroine’s mother, puts in her application for the job of 'Trade Master’ on the planet Libertas, and finds out that it isn’t that easy.
En-Drek Contract // Podcast Version
In which Fenestra finds out that, on Libertas, everyone must be in an ‘En-drek’ contract… a long-term, live-in, heavy date between a man and a woman for the purpose of producing one child after the other with one date after the other.
Disappointment and Meditation // Podcast Version
In which Jellia, the daughter and our heroine, finds out about her mother’s job opportunity, including its difficulties, and commits herself to meditating on the situation. (And internally commits herself to encouraging her mother to take the job.)
Decision Reached // Podcast Version
Jellia tells her mother that she thinks she should take the job, and so her mother puts in her application… and gets the job!
First School // Podcast Version
Jellia goes to school and gets to tell everyone about her new adventure.
First Work // Podcast Version
Fenestra goes to work, and tells her coworker about her new opportunity.
Writing Class: Podcast Version
Jellia writes a poem (a limerick) and tells her classmates more about her new adventure.
Trader Galloway: Podcast Version
In which a man comes over for a ‘date’ (Ie to sleep over with her mother) and to tell them all about his time as Trade Master for their company on Libertas. And as how he was almost executed for asking a woman out on a date.
Shopping: Podcast Version
In which Jellia and her mother go shopping for the last time, and we explore some of the nature of the planet she is leaving.
Language: Podcast Version
In which Jellia starts using some new words at school, and everyone gathers round to find out what they mean.
Kesh-i Cooking Class: Podcast Version
In which Jellia finds out that children (Kesh-i) on Libertas are expected to cook.
Trade Master Training: Podcast Version
In which Fenestra begins her training for her new role, with an old enemy.
Two Week Date: Podcast Version
In which Fenestra and Alex decide to date for the next two weeks.
The Facts of Life: Podcast Version
In which Fenestra brings Alex home, and Jellia isn’t impressed. Although she is interested in how dating works for boys.
Snips: Podcast Version
In which Jellia spends time snipping with a boy, and brings him home.
Kissing: Podcast Version
In which Jellia and her mother both have a sexual ‘last fling’ before they leave, and Jellia practices the new kisses she will need for her new planet.
Off Ephemera // Podcast Version
In which Jellia and her mother arrive at the shuttle port, go through some annoying formalities, and take off!
And Fly! // Podcast Version
In which Jellia and her mother board their spaceship, and Jellia starts doing her homework.
Abstinate // Podcast Version
In which Jellia gets bored, rejects an older gentleman, and rejects her mother’s idea of dating.
Older Kesh-u // Podcast Version
In which Jellia learns more about what Kesh-u (children) are allowed to do on Libertas.
Fertility // Podcast Version
In which Jellia and her mother are taken off birth control by an odd doctor.
New Girl // Podcast Version
-Added out of order- Jellia meets a new girl on the shuttle, from a strange culture!
Decon // Podcast Version
Jellia and her mother arrive on their new planet, go through an awful decontamination, get sent to a briefing, and receive their first kiss/greeting!
Briefing // Podcast Version
Jellia and her mother are warned that the laws on Libertas can be very serious.
En-drek File
Fenestra reads up on her new ‘en-drek’.
Justicia // Podcast Version
Jellia rejoices in the new planet!
The House // Podcast Version
Jellia explores her new house.
Shopping and Greeting // Podcast Version
Jellia uses her new ‘kesh liberty’ and runs off to do some shopping. And has to kiss everyone all the way home.
Ska Illoh Kiladi // Podcast Version
Jellia meets her new Ska, who has business with her mother.
Ooops // Podcast Version
Jellia makes a mistake, gets chastised, and hates it here!
Neighbours // Podcast Version
In which Jellia goes off the cry, and meets neighbours.
Breakfast // Podcast Version
Jellia wakes up, makes breakfast, and runs off for a new day!
Kesh Liberty // Podcast Version
Jellia takes off for town with two younger kesh in tow, and has a fun time shopping!
Dinner // Podcast Version
Jellia comes home from her day in town, raced to unpack her new noodle machine, and cooks dinner!
Testing // Podcast Version
Jellia shows up at her new school, has to check herself it, gets tested for math, art, engineering… and whether she’s mature enough for a live in date.
Great Room // Podcast Version
Fenestra was finally Trade Master, and finally by herself, and finally got to start her new work! Sitting in her new living room in her PJs!
Great Hopes // Podcast Version
Iloh Kiladi shows up at work and gets grilled on how his new relationship is going.
Physio // Podcast Version
Jellia has to do ‘Physio’ at school… which involves running and climbing and getting sweaty.
Engineering // Podcast Version
Jellia finds out that what her engineering teacher cares about is that she learn, not that she come to class.
Basic Bio // Podcast Version
Can there be anything more embarrassing than being at a new school and having all the other girls discuss where you are in puberty?
Pastels and Colic // Podcast Version
Jellia’s next was with pastels, and they had a nursing mother and her baby for a study! Until the baby started crying.
Physio // Podcast Version
PE by any other name would be as annoying.
Report // Podcast Version
School is done for the day, and Ska-drek picks her up… and quizzes her on how it went!
Second Day // Podcast Version
Jellia begins her second day in school all excited, and much less nervous.
All by Herself // Podcast Version
Meditation Day // Podcast Version
Other Planet BBQ // Podcast Version
Invitation // Podcast Version
The Lawyer // Podcast Version
Meditation Day // Podcast Version
Other Planet BBQ // Podcast Version
The Lawyer // Podcast Version
Invitation // Podcast Version
Armed // Podcast Version
En-e-ska // Podcast Version
Garden Party // Podcast Version
At Work // Podcast Version
So Responsible! // Podcast Version
Jellia’s mother is having a very hard time adjusting to life on this new planet. Including how responsible her daughter is getting!
Communications // Podcast Version
So, Jellia’s on another planet. Which means that, from time to time, she gets… mail!!
Kissing Guests // Podcast Version
So… having company over. They are an engaged couple. And according to code and custom they are actually supposed to be doing a good deal of kissing while they are there!
Exploding Fruit // Podcast Version
Fruit looked like it would make a good export. Exploding fruit looked like it would be an interesting one!
Marks // Podcast Version
Jellia gets her first set of grades and, while she does well in all of her classes, she is shocked at how poorly she is doing in Code and Custom!
Reunion // Podcast Version
How odd to take a vacation at the place you work. Well, Jellia couldn’t think of a better place for her father’s family to meet.
Excercises // Podcast Version
Jellia has to learn how to live in this new society. Including how to pick a boy for her husband.
Congratulations // Podcast Version
In which Jellia is told her mother is pregnant, and isn’t sure how to handle the news.
A Little Charge // Podcast Version
Jellia is supposed to be wandering around, taking orders, and bringing food. She doesn’t expect to get handed a kid to babysit!
Sympathy // Podcast Version
Jellia’s mother is pregnant. Which she never thought she would be again, and doesn’t want to be, and curse this stupid planet with their stupid rules. And Jellia tries to be sympathetic.
Bracelet Off // Podcast Version
Jellia wore an ‘exo bracelet’, which told the world she was new, and would be making mistakes. The time has come to take it off.
How to Make a Baby // Podcast Version
She understands how they do it on their new planet, but how did it work on their old one?
Zoomy // Podcast Version
In which Jellia finds out her new father figure can do some work around the house. Like, plumbing!
Considering En-e-Kesh // Podcast Version
In which Jellia has to pick a boy. Or an older man.
Approval Needed // Podcast Version
In which Jellia’s proposed En-e-Drek has to decide yeah or nay.
The Oracle
The Oracle at Toko-Ri
I Found It
In Search of a Bride
The General
Searching for Power (Part I)
Searching for Power (Part 2)
Housekeeping Stuff
I’m not going to list my monthly housekeeping posts, but here are some others:
This will proof very useful, thank you.